Become a Volunteer Today!
Our community of volunteers is drawn from all over the U.S., Canada, and other parts of the world. They come from all walks of life and range in age from 18 to octogenarians. The diversity of their backgrounds is matched only by the variety of benefits they find in working with College Guild.
Readers can contribute as much time as they would like, and do not need to have particular expertise. There may also be other opportunities for volunteering, ranging from administrative work to creating new courses. Learn more about becoming a volunteer below!
"I’ve commented on one unit and just received my second assignment yesterday. This volunteer opportunity is certainly one of those in which the volunteer likely gets more out of the effort than the student receiving the volunteer’s comments. I took my time with my first assignment, trying to hit the right combination of substance and encouragement in my comments. It is a privilege to be able to “speak” to these students in this way." Judy - a volunteer with College Guild

To Volunteer with College Guild, follow these simple steps!
1. ​Review our Reader Guidelines for an overview of the program.
2. Read our Sample Feedback and Unallowed Comments (below) to understand how we structure feedback and what we expect from our volunteers.
3. Fill out and submit our Volunteer Agreement. If you prefer to complete a paper version and mail it to College Guild, you can download a PDF version here.
4. After College Guild reviews your form, you will be contacted via email welcoming you to the program and inviting you to a brief orientation that will be conducted virtually by our Volunteer Coordinator.
Watch to learn more about volunteering with College Guild!​
Volunteer Resources
If you have questions about volunteering or other topics, please follow the link below to contact us and to review our Frequently Asked Questions. You may also feel free to email us at!
Sample Reader Feedback
As you will see from the samples below, some readers go question by question and address every point the student has made, while others like to pick a few points and expand on those in a narrative way.
It is not necessary to comment on every response. Your feedback style may vary depending on the unit and on how much work the student has done. It is important to engage overall with what the student has to say, encourage them to expand their thinking, and give students the confidence to express themselves.
Sample Feedback By Topic: