Do you know someone who might enjoy College Guild courses?
There are very few requirements for becoming a College Guild student! Anyone currently incarcerated in a US federal or state prison is welcome, regardless of previous level of education attained. College Guild is free of religious or political affiliation and welcomes students of all identities.
If you know an incarcerated person who would be interested in College Guild courses, you are invited to email us at to ask for an enrollment package to be sent to your loved one. Additionally, your loved one is welcome to mail us themselves.
Any request must include:
Inmate name
Inmate number
Inmate mailing address
Currently College Guild does not use the inmate email system CorrLinks and you should email us directly.
If we have a waitlist at the time of your inquiry, your loved one's name will be added to the waitlist, and they will receive an enrollment packet when their turn arrives.
It is important to be aware that individuals studying with College Guild must have access to envelopes, paper, writing utensils, and stamps. Our courses are free to incarcerated people, but they must be able to provide their own postage. Because of prison regulations, we are not able to mail stamps to students.
What to do while you wait...
If you and your loved one are excited to get involved with College Guild right away, there are a number of things you can do while you wait!
Download our course catalogue and mail it to your loved one so they can browse course options.
Subscribe to our newsletter featuring student work and exciting organization news! Feel free to print this out and mail it to your loved one as well.
Consider joining us as a volunteer reader! Readers offer feedback on student work, allowing College Guild to serve more students. Volunteering can be done remotely and on your own time.
​Information about volunteering can be found here.
Check out our resources page for educational media on incarceration in America and list of organizations with missions similar to College Guild's.
Follow College Guild on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay updated on the latest news.
And, of course, let other people in your community know about College Guild!